The Silent Killer Of Retirement

  When retirement planning, inflation can leave you with far less than you thought. Brian shares what tools we can use to plan accordingly. Right now, inflation is hitting harder than usual, and it's often a silent killer when it comes to retirement planning. Is the rule of 72 a good way to know for [...]

Should You Get a Fixed Annuity?

Is a fixed-rate annuity a wise investment choice? It all depends on your goals! Brian talks through when someone might choose to use this financial tool. To some, a fixed rate annuity is sounding like a good idea. When the money in your bank account isn’t earning any interest, fixed-rate annuities carry some appeal. Certificates [...]

What Will You Do With Your Time in Retirement?

When someone enters retirement, a common question they’ll get is, “What are you going to do next?” We talk about what that means for Brian’s clients and famous football players alike. As football season nears, receiver Rob Gronkowski won’t be on the field but retired instead. While he’s done with football, his life isn’t over. [...]

Tax Planning for the Future

Why does tax planning matter for your retirement plan? Brian talks through the difference it can make and why you should pay attention to it now as a part of your financial plan. When it comes to taxes, should you use the same person that files taxes to do tax planning and retirement planning for [...]

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