A Guide to Retirement Planning for Couples

If you’re married, retirement planning is a team effort. Or at least, it should be. While discussing finances and estate planning can easily fall by the wayside, it’s important to prioritize with your spouse. Whether you both retire around the same time, at different times, or one spouse hasn’t worked outside the home in many [...]

The Cost of Long-term Care

Many retirees overlook long-term care, something that Medicare does not cover. How can someone plan for long-term care? The cost of long-term care insurance may seem too expensive, but consider the cost of that care, later on, should you need it.

A Financial Advisor Can Prepare You for A Wintery Market

When the winter season comes around, you’ll likely have to adjust your routines and prepare for the cold. If you’re in colder states, you may be looking to purchase a new winter coat or snow boots, or skiing equipment for your winter holidays. Or you may be restocking your snow salt for what are soon-to-be [...]

3 Strikes to Avoid When Tax Planning

Taxes are among the most common concern for people in retirement. You might be wondering how to start thinking about your tax strategy so you aren’t taxed more than you need to be. These three mistakes can help start the conversation about what a comprehensive tax strategy might look like for you. Taking Too Much [...]

Having Discipline in Parenting and Investing

  What are two important things that many of us have done or are doing? Raising kids and investing. We talk about what these two things have in common and the work it requires over time to become successful. The key is often having discipline. Whether in parenting, eating, or investing, discipline isn’t always easy [...]

5 Key Components to the Retirement Bucket Strategy

Saving for retirement is a long-term endeavor. It’s not about finding the next hottest stock or trying to get rich quickly. It requires a different perspective on your wealth and income that accounts for your needs in different stages of your life, from the beginning of your working years through your retirement. These five key [...]

Tax Planning to Protect Your Future

  Why is tax planning so important? What does it entail? Brian talks all about this crucial part of your financial plan. President Biden just signed the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes money for the IRS tax enforcement division. Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank says to focus on reducing your taxes by paying attention to [...]

4 Easy-to-Overlook Estate Planning Mistakes

It’s easy to avoid making an estate plan, but not having one won’t be easy on your loved ones. Having your affairs in order can greatly help your family, so consider creating a comprehensive estate plan. Unfortunately, there are many easy-to-overlook estate planning mistakes, such as not naming beneficiaries on retirement accounts, not doing so [...]

Are We In A Recession?

  What are the decisions you need to make now for your retirement, even if we’re in a recession? Brian talks about how to stress-test your plan and what to keep in mind. The big debate right now is whether or not we are in a recession. The market is heading back up, employment is [...]

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