Making the Switch to Paying Yourself

You’ve probably had a daily routine for most of your life – from tying your tie and greeting your coworkers to loosening that tie when you get home. When thinking about retirement, not only does your daily routine change but your financial routine does too. In your working years, you made sure to have a [...]

Does the 4% Rule Really Work?

During your saving years, your main goal is to accumulate wealth so that you have the resources to achieve a comfortable retirement. But that is just half the battle. How you use your savings to cover your living costs is the real key to living the retirement you dream of. You may have done some [...]

3 Birthdays You Need to Know for Your Retirement Accounts

Optimizing your retirement savings takes more than just making sure your IRA isn’t at risk in this market. There are rules and regulations that can help you avoid higher taxes and penalty fees and help you structure your income to minimize taxes. Know these 3 ages that can help you get the most out of [...]

A Guide to Retirement Planning for Couples

If you’re married, retirement planning is a team effort. Or at least, it should be. While discussing finances and estate planning can easily fall by the wayside, it’s important to prioritize with your spouse. Whether you both retire around the same time, at different times, or one spouse hasn’t worked outside the home in many [...]

5 Key Components to the Retirement Bucket Strategy

Saving for retirement is a long-term endeavor. It’s not about finding the next hottest stock or trying to get rich quickly. It requires a different perspective on your wealth and income that accounts for your needs in different stages of your life, from the beginning of your working years through your retirement. These five key [...]

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