Should I Convert My 401(k) To A Roth IRA?

Let’s say you’ve just changed jobs. What are you going to do with your 401(k)? You may be able to convert your 401(k) to a Roth IRA, but is that a good option for you? In this article, we’ll talk about what happens when you make this conversion and give you some examples of different [...]

Up Your Pickleball Game!

Pickleball can be a great way to stay active while in retirement. Whether you're an active player or you're new to the game, this article is for you. This comprehensive review delves into three strategies, each tackling a unique aspect of pickleball.   1. The Importance of Communication in Pickleball Doubles Matches In pickleball doubles, [...]

Important Retirement Options for Small Business Owners

Retirement is different for folks who are running a small business. Your retirement is something that isn’t set up by an employer, and you often must manage it on your own. And in some cases, business owners have to manage options on behalf of their employees too. If you are running your own business and [...]

A Checklist for a Successful Cookout

Organizing a successful cookout can be a fun but challenging task. Here's some great advice to ensure your event runs smoothly and is a hit with your guests. Preparation is Key Firstly, make sure you put in the effort to prepare. Decide on the menu ahead of time and ensure you have all the necessary [...]

What is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)?

At the most basic level, a real estate investment trust is a company that owns, operates, or finances income-generating real estate.[1] They allow people to invest in a trust that then purchases a direct ownership stake in real estate properties. The investor then has exposure to the potential profits and income generated from the real [...]

Summer Fun for Retirees

Embracing an active lifestyle during the golden years is both rewarding and beneficial for overall health. As the summer season unfolds, it offers retirees an opportunity to engage in a variety of activities that not only keep them physically active but also stimulate their minds and foster social connections. Here are six engaging summer activities [...]

How to Achieve Financial Freedom

The difficult thing about “financial freedom” as a concept is that many people define it in a vague way. Most people think of it as not having to worry about money and being able to have the things they want without having to scrimp and save for them. But there are all sorts of things [...]

The Snowbird Lifestyle: Pros and Cons

The snowbird lifestyle has become increasingly popular among retirees in recent years. This lifestyle involves spending the winter months in a warmer climate and returning home for the summer. There are a few important pros and cons of this lifestyle to consider before trying it. One of the main benefits of the snowbird lifestyle is [...]

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